#: locale=it ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Tour Virtuale Fotografico e 3D ### Title tour.name = Foto e 3D ## Skin ### Button Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762.label = MUSEO INFO Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762_mobile.label = INFO Button_04CF11C2_0A66_D40B_4191_6058A21F9848.label = CATALOG Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7.label = BOOK NOW Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7_mobile.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3_mobile.label = BOOK NOW Button_1AF29B2B_0A6A_7419_4160_BCC2A6733ED8_mobile.label = CATALOG Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD.label = LOCATION Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD_mobile.label = LOCATION Button_1EBF3282_0C0A_1D6D_4190_52FC7F8C00A5.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_1EBF3282_0C0A_1D6D_4190_52FC7F8C00A5_mobile.label = PHOTOS Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD_mobile.label = PANORAMAS Button_1FE4B611_0C0A_256F_418E_EA27E66F8360.label = FLOORPLAN Button_1FE4B611_0C0A_256F_418E_EA27E66F8360_mobile.label = PLAN Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259.label = CONTACT Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259_mobile.label = CONTACT ### Multiline Text HTMLText_04FFBC2C_1216_7593_41A4_E1B06B145F04.html =
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue.

Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula.

Integer eget pulvinar urna, et tincidunt sem. Suspendisse imperdiet tincidunt risus id mollis. Vivamus suscipit dui sit amet tortor pellentesque, ac laoreet tortor finibus. Nulla maximus urna id sagittis ultricies. Suspendisse in mi sit amet nisi rutrum sodales non eu elit. Integer cursus, odio nec efficitur fermentum.

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Vivamus euismod condimentum ligula quis feugiat. Cras imperdiet tortor mi, a posuere velit tempus et. Maecenas et scelerisque turpis. Quisque in gravida leo, sed dapibus nibh. Ut at consequat turpis. Curabitur et tempor ex, aliquet interdum quam. Aliquam erat volutpat.
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Proin sit amet pharetra magna. Donec varius eu nisi at facilisis. Vivamus nibh magna, fermentum ac nibh sit amet, euismod efficitur sem. Fusce blandit, purus sed gravida vulputate, justo quam laoreet quam, et dictum mauris arcu vitae justo.

Vivamus euismod condimentum ligula quis feugiat. Cras imperdiet tortor mi, a posuere velit tempus et. Maecenas et scelerisque turpis. Quisque in gravida leo, sed dapibus nibh. Ut at consequat turpis. Curabitur et tempor ex, aliquet interdum quam. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue.

Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula.

Integer eget pulvinar urna, et tincidunt sem. Suspendisse imperdiet tincidunt risus id mollis. Vivamus suscipit dui sit amet tortor pellentesque, ac laoreet tortor finibus. Nulla maximus urna id sagittis ultricies. Suspendisse in mi sit amet nisi rutrum sodales non eu elit. Integer cursus, odio nec efficitur fermentum.

Ut sed mattis ipsum. Curabitur blandit hendrerit nisi ac feugiat.
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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

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Joan Miró
(Spanish, Barcelona 1893–1983 Palma de Mallorca)

"The Potato" is emblematic of Miró's poetic riffs on reality. It takes as its subject a gigantic female figure who stretches her arms wide. She is set against a blue sky and above a patch of earth—perhaps a potato field. The billowing white shape of the figure is attached to a red post in the center of the composition like a scarecrow on a pole. Beyond the earthiness of the subject, the painting's title appears to be derived from the representation of an actual, recognizable potato: lodged in the woman's forehead is a small, brown, oval object with three tendrils growing out of its upper edge. 1928

Oil on canvas

Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection, 1998

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 906

HTMLText_A2B2C549_BF09_6CD3_4187_0CCB7C5A140D.html =
Joan Miró
(Spanish, Barcelona 1893–1983 Palma de Mallorca)

“This work is part of a series created between 1924 and 1927 known as "peinture-poésie" (painting-poetry), which combines text with enigmatic symbols and reflects his interest in dreams and the subconscious. Only three elements float on the empty white canvas: the word "Photo," the patch of blue, and the phrase "ceci est la couleur de mes rêves" (this is the color of my dreams). The black letters sit on barely visible pencil lines that serve as guides for their size, as in a child’s writing primer.” 1925

Oil on canvas

The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection, 2002

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 901
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Mr. Savethewall
(Italy, Como 19xx)

In this colored work, Mr. Savethewall represents five men in career with a frog face. The frogs are all dressed with elegant suits in the tones of blue and they are all looking in direction of the observer, almost hypnotizing him. From the frog in the center depart some spashes of color, almost after an explosion. The characters are inserted inside a vivacious pink background. As the fairy tale told us, the frog waits to be kissed by the princess so that he can tansform itself into a beautiful prince, for then living together happily ever after... But the history that Mr. Savethewall tells in this work is different: the frog already has anthropomorphous form, he wears the suits typical of a man in career and with his great red eyes seems to look at the spectator (or to his princess). By doing so Mr. Savethewall launches therefore a provocative and direct message. 2017

Unique work made with mixed media on canvas, signed in original by the artist. The work is given with the certificate of authenticity.

Size: L 150 cm H 100 cm
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Joan Miró
(Spanish, Barcelona 1893–1983 Palma de Mallorca)
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"The Potato" is emblematic of Miró's poetic riffs on reality. It takes as its subject a gigantic female figure who stretches her arms wide. She is set against a blue sky and above a patch of earth—perhaps a potato field. The billowing white shape of the figure is attached to a red post in the center of the composition like a scarecrow on a pole. Beyond the earthiness of the subject, the painting's title appears to be derived from the representation of an actual, recognizable potato: lodged in the woman's forehead is a small, brown, oval object with three tendrils growing out of its upper edge. 1928

Oil on canvas

Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection, 1998

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 906

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“This work is part of a series created between 1924 and 1927 known as "peinture-poésie" (painting-poetry), which combines text with enigmatic symbols and reflects his interest in dreams and the subconscious. Only three elements float on the empty white canvas: the word "Photo," the patch of blue, and the phrase "ceci est la couleur de mes rêves" (this is the color of my dreams). The black letters sit on barely visible pencil lines that serve as guides for their size, as in a child’s writing primer.” 1925

Oil on canvas

The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection, 2002

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 901

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Joan Miró
(Spanish, Barcelona 1893–1983 Palma de Mallorca)
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Mr. Savethewall
(Italy, Como 19xx)
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In this colored work, Mr. Savethewall represents five men in career with a frog face. The frogs are all dressed with elegant suits in the tones of blue and they are all looking in direction of the observer, almost hypnotizing him. From the frog in the center depart some spashes of color, almost after an explosion. The characters are inserted inside a vivacious pink background. As the fairy tale told us, the frog waits to be kissed by the princess so that he can tansform itself into a beautiful prince, for then living together happily ever after... But the history that Mr. Savethewall tells in this work is different: the frog already has anthropomorphous form, he wears the suits typical of a man in career and with his great red eyes seems to look at the spectator (or to his princess). By doing so Mr. Savethewall launches therefore a provocative and direct message. 2017

Unique work made with mixed media on canvas, signed in original by the artist. The work is given with the certificate of authenticity.

Size: L 150 cm H 100 cm

HTMLText_B47729B6_A28F_6B14_41E0_93BD2A00D344_mobile.html =
Joan Miró
(Spanish, Barcelona 1893–1983 Palma de Mallorca)

“In 1928 Miró painted a series of three paintings inspired by postcards of seventeenth-century Dutch genre scenes that he collected during a two-week trip to Holland. In this painting, he discarded the heightened naturalism and precision of these models in favor of dreamlike distortion. He used artistic shorthand to render the central figure-an archer-yet one can easily detect the arrows and avian targets.” 1928

Oil on canvas

Bequest of Florene M. Schoenborn, 1995

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 901

HTMLText_B4E4992B_A297_EB3C_41D8_FDF0510FF94F_mobile.html =
Joan Miró
(Spanish, Barcelona 1893–1983 Palma de Mallorca)

“The free-floating fantasy and delicate calligraphic lines of Miró's painting show the influence of the Surrealist circle. In the 1920s the artist became part of the group of artists, critics, and poets. As Miró recalled later: "As for Breton and Eluard...they ignored my existence until my painting freed itself in the direction of poetry and dreams." 1927

Oil on canvas

Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection, 1998

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 906

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Sandro Botticelli
(Italian, Firenze 1445-1510 Firenze)

"The Birth of Venus (Italian: Nascita di Venere is a painting probably made in the mid 1480s. It depicts the goddess Venus arriving at the shore after her birth, when she had emerged from the sea fully-grown (called Venus Anadyomene and often depicted in art).

Oil on canvas

On view at The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy

HTMLText_B55BFD11_A275_68EC_41DB_FADBDACEA4F3_mobile.html =
Mario Rossi
(English, b. 1944)

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ultrices, lectus et placerat semper” 1977

Colored pencil, watercolor, and ink on paper

Promised gift of Manuel Fantoni, New York

HTMLText_B568D5DB_A38C_FB13_41DC_A07183F79974.html =
“The Birth of Venus (Italian: Nascita di Venere is a painting probably made in the mid 1480s. It depicts the goddess Venus arriving at the shore after her birth, when she had emerged from the sea fully-grown (called Venus Anadyomene and often depicted in art).

Oil on canvas

On view at The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy

HTMLText_B56FF5D7_A38C_FB13_41CB_A95681EEEF72.html =
Sandro Botticelli
(Italian, Firenze 1445-1510 Firenze)
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“In 1928 Miró painted a series of three paintings inspired by postcards of seventeenth-century Dutch genre scenes that he collected during a two-week trip to Holland. In this painting, he discarded the heightened naturalism and precision of these models in favor of dreamlike distortion. He used artistic shorthand to render the central figure-an archer-yet one can easily detect the arrows and avian targets.” 1928

Oil on canvas

Bequest of Florene M. Schoenborn, 1995

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 901

HTMLText_B73A4C37_A28B_2914_41E1_ADA6A175306F.html =
Joan Miró
(Spanish, Barcelona 1893–1983 Palma de Mallorca)
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“The free-floating fantasy and delicate calligraphic lines of Miró's painting show the influence of the Surrealist circle. In the 1920s the artist became part of the group of artists, critics, and poets. As Miró recalled later: "As for Breton and Eluard...they ignored my existence until my painting freed itself in the direction of poetry and dreams." 1927

Oil on canvas

Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection, 1998

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 906

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Joan Miró
(Spanish, Barcelona 1893–1983 Palma de Mallorca)
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Mario Rossi
(English, b. 1944)
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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ultrices, lectus et placerat semper” 1977

Colored pencil, watercolor, and ink on paper

Promised gift of Manuel Fantoni, New York

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